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global area中文是什么意思

用"global area"造句"global area"怎么读"global area" in a sentence


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  • With the spread of network technology in the global area , internet has been infiltrated into human beings " lives , becoming the important way of communication
    随着网络技术在全球范围的迅速普及, internet已逐渐渗透到人们的日常生活中,正成为信息交流的重要手段。
  • Since the breakdown of the briton wood system , the exchange rate , interest rate , stock price and the commodity price in the global area has a high volatility
  • Watson wyatt recommends the benefit choices concept , which has achieved successful framework in asia - pacific and global areas , in order to meet employees ' demands under the employers ' fixed cost
  • China forklift : in global area , pyroban has been providing the lead technology in explosion protection solutions . what about pyroban ' s business in china ? what about the application of the technology
  • It comes to light the application of e - business popularize in the global area . e - business , as a dominating commercial mode in new times , is greatly impacting on the management of traditional business
  • 1996 to 2003 , the global area of transgenic crops has increased 40 - fold , from 1 . 7 million hectares ( mha ) in 1996 to 67 . 7 mha in 2003 . these were grown by 7 million farmers in 18 countries
    简报指出, 1996年至2003年,全球转基因作物的种植面积扩大了40倍,从1996年的170万公顷增至2003年的6 , 770万公顷,种植地区遍及18个国家, 700万农民参加种植。
  • A new boom of transnational annexation in the global area since the late 80s in twentieth century leads more and more foreign companies to choose transnational merger , rather than new building - up , as channels of investment
  • Distributed interactive simulation is one kind of synthesized environment which utilizes consistent structures , standards , protocols and databases . in this environment , all kinds of simulators distributed all over the world are connected with each other through local area network and global area network , and human beings can interact with these simulators
用"global area"造句  
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